Sunday, April 22, 2012

Seed Structure and Function

Lets start off by showing off the structure and function of my cute babies Layla(corn) and Tommy(bean).


Corn(Layla): The endosperm of a monocot corn seed stores the food, which in this instance it is starch.The cotyledon of the corn seed is located above the embryo and it digests the food from the endosperm and feeds it to the develpoing embryo which is at the bottom peak of the seed and is the actual seed before germination.The codyledon will eventually become the leaves of the developed plant. The epicotyl, hypocotyl, and the radicle are all within the embryo. The Epicotyl is the stem above the cotyledon and will become the stem and leaves. The hypocotyl will develope into the lower stem under the cotyledon. And the radicle will become the root of the developing plant.

Bean(Tommy): The endosperm or cotyledon of a dicot bean seed stores the food, which in this instance it is starch, just like the corn seed.The cotyledon of the bean seed is located twice, unlike the corn seed. It is pretty much located all around the inside of the seed and does the job of both the cotyledon and the endosperm. The codyledon will eventually become the leaves of the developed plant. The embryo is near the top and is the seed before it is developed.The epicotyl, hypocotyl, and the radicle are all within the embryo. The Epicotyl is the stem above the cotyledon and will become the stem and leaves. The hypocotyl will develope into the lower stem under the cotyledon. And the radicle will become the root of the developing plant.


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