- A flowering plant having one cotyledon or seed-leaf in the embryo
- In monocot plants, the first shoot that emerges from the ground or from the seed is the epicotyl, from which the first shoots and leaves emerge.
- The radicle aborts, and new roots arise
- Have parallel leaf vine pattern
- Vascular Tissue scattered
- There is no main root
- Pollen grain with one opening
- Floral organs usually in multiples of three
Dicot Characteristics: Bean(Tommy)
- Has two seed leaves (cotyledons)
- In dicots, the hypocotyl is what appears to be the base stem under the spent withered cotyledons, and the shoot just above that is the epicotyl
- Roots grow from the radical and apical meristem
- Have netlike vein patterns
- Vascular Tissue usually arranged in a ring
- Taproot which is the main root is usually present
- Pollen grain with three openings
- Floral organs usually in multiples of four or five